Container Gardens w/Dean's Nursery @ Community Center

Location: Westlake Community Center. Call 440-899-3544 to register.

CONTAINER GARDENING—The Westlake Garden Club and Dean’s Nursery Container Herb Gardening
Celebrate the first day of Summer with Plants.

Dean’s Nursery will be providing a hands-on lesson on how to create a container garden. This is the perfect opportunity for people who would love to have a garden but are short on space. You will have the choice of creating a culinary, fragrance OR tea garden. When registering please indicate which garden you wish to make. You will receive 4 plants, 10” Decorative pots and soil. All gardens will be self-contained and ready to set out on your patio or balcony. All material will be provided. These containers are very light and easy to maneuver however, if you need assistance after the program volunteers are available to help you to your car.

Wednesday, June 21, 2:15pm. Cost: $10, payable by 5/12. Sorry no late sign-ups. A minimum of 15
people is required for this class.

Calendar Event Date/Time: 
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 14:15