GCO Spring Program
Garden Club of Ohio's Spring Program at St. Michael's Woodside, 5025 Mill, Broadview Hts. 44147. Cost = $22.00 for Club members; $25.00 for non-members. Please send your check - made payable to "GCO Cleveland District" - to Regina by Friday, April 12.
Menu: salad, rolls, beef burgundy over orzo with mixed veggies, carrot cake, beverages. VEGetarian alternate = pasta and red sauce - please mark VEG on your check.
Program: Ohio Judges Council, North Central Region, presents "In The Spotlight," a small standard flower show (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) "Dianna Mullins' Journeys" (1 p.m.) Master Landscape Consultant and Four Star Member, who has judged flower shows in the U.S., Sao Paulo Brazil, Panama City, Lima Peru, Argentina and the Cayman Islands. She is also President of Ikebana of Youngstown.